Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Left Zip or Right Zip?

A discussion at work arose about the topic of are you a Left zip or a Right zip sleeping bag user?

I have decided I am an ambidextrous sleeping bag zipper-upper.

One question I have pondered over is....does the world mold us into a right or left zip person?
Your first sleeping bag as a child could mold the rest of your camping lifestyle for your life!

We are going to help you decide what you are....

1. Are you right handed or left?
2. When cutting meat do you put your fork in your opposite hand from your dominate one, then cuse your dominate hand to cut the meet with...then do you switch your fork back to your dominate hand to eat or do you keep the fork in the other hand and eat the meat with your non dominate hand?
3. Right handed - Do you wipe with your left or right after going to the bathroom?
Left handed - Do you wipe with your left or right after going to the bathroom?
4. Right handed - do you ride regular of goofy?
Left handed - do you ride goofy or regular?

So here now grade your quiz.

If you answered Right handed to question 1, then grade your score off this:
2. if you put the fork back in your right hand after cutting to eat it then you get 1 point
if you left the fork in your left hand and ate your meat then you get 2 points

3. left hand - 2 points
Right hand - 1 point

4. regualr - 1 point
goofy 2-points

If you answered Left handed for question number 1 - Left handed the grade your quiz off these scores

2. if you put the fork back in your left hand after cutting to eat it then you get 1 point
if you left the fork in your right hand and ate your meat then you get 2 points

3. left hand - 1 point
Right hand - 2 points

4. regualr - 2 points
goofy - 1 point

5-6-points you are a ambidextrous sleeping bag zipper
4 - points you may be able to go both ways, but it will feel a little akward, but you could deal
1-3 points - You are just a left or a right zipper person
Left handed - most often will be a right side zip person
Right handed - most often will be a left side zip person

Now a little exercise. Lay down on your back...imagine you are in a tent and you just got in your sleeping bag. Reach to zip up the zipper....where did you reach first....right or left side of your body?

Remember, my quiz is not fool proof...there will always be the weird mutant human people who defy the results....

So the next time you are shopping for a sleeping bag and the option...left or right zip to choose from, you will now know which will help your camping experience have the best flow when it comes to zipping up your sleeping bag.

Great Bags to buy are here:

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